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Available Hotels Book your stay now

  • Bobocabin Signature Toba

    Bobocabin Signature Toba

    Pardamean Sibisa, Ajibata, Kabupaten Toba Samosir, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, Parapat, ID

  • Damar Toba

    Damar Toba

    Jalan Pemandian Nomor 94 Desa Lumban Silintong Balige, Balige, ID

  • OYO 540 Esther Hotel

    OYO 540 Esther Hotel

    Jl. Siborong Borong - Parapat No. 75, Tarutung, ID

  • Purnama Balige Hotel & Resto

    Jl.Pardede Pasir / Pemandian No.10, Balige, Balige Kabu, ID

  • OYO 90645 Karisma Residence

    OYO 90645 Karisma Residence

    242, Jl.Sm Raja No.242b Balige I , Balige, Tarutung, ID

  • SPOT ON 91637 Hotel Adela

    SPOT ON 91637 Hotel Adela

    Jl. Haunatas 1, Siraja Gorat, Desa Sibarani, Kab. Toba Samosir, Tarutung, ID

  • OYO 719 Penginapan Panatapan Almonsari Resort

    OYO 719 Penginapan Panatapan Almonsari Resort

    Jl. Siborong Borong - Parapat, Tangga Batu Bar., Tampahan, Kabupaten Toba Samosir, Tarutung, ID

  • RedDoorz near Silangit International Airport

    RedDoorz near Silangit International Airport

    Pasar Siborong-Borong, Siborongborong, Sumatera Utara, Tarutung, ID

  • OYO 1819 Aries Hotel

    OYO 1819 Aries Hotel

    Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.230, Siborong Borong I, Siborong-Borong, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara, Tapanuli Utara, Tarutung, ID

  • RedDoorz @ Balige Toba Samosir

    RedDoorz @ Balige Toba Samosir

    Jalan Pdt. Leman, Balige, ID

  • Pudan Residence Balige By Helocus

    Pudan Residence Balige By Helocus

    Jl. Parluasan, Balige II, Kec. Balige, Toba, Sumatera Utara, Balige, ID

  • Christian Homestay and Kuliner

    Christian Homestay and Kuliner

    Pantai Pasir Putih, Lumban Bulbul, Balige, Sumatera Utara, Balige, ID

  • Hotel Ompu Herti

    Hotel Ompu Herti

    Jalan Pemandian No.2 Lumban Silintong- Tobasa-Sumatera Utara, Parapat, ID

  • Pondok Berata Dapdap

    Pondok Berata Dapdap

    Dapdap Tara Bunga Kecamatan Tampahan Tobasa, Balige, ID

  • Gading Homestay

    Gading Homestay

    Meat, Balige, Kabupaten Toba Samosir, Sumatera Utara, Balige, ID

  • Noah Hotel Silangit

    Noah Hotel Silangit

    Jalan Raya Balige Tarutung No. 77 Silangit Siborong-borong, Siborongborong, ID

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